
Scottish Doula Network – Doula of the Week

I’ve been featured as Doula of the Week by the Scottish Doula Network!


Because this was a Facebook post (original feature here), I thought I’d share my answers to their questions here so those of you who are not on social media can have access to it too 🙂

Tell us a bit about yourself and what brought you to this work?

Hi! My name is Sara. I’m happiest when I’m in nature and exploring the woods, forests, beaches, and mountains, but also when I’m cosied up by a fire with my knitting and my two cats. I love cooking and can often be found in my kitchen, trying out new recipes and baking away to my heart’s content.

Pregnancy and newborns have always inspired me, ever since I was a little girl. A few years ago, a friend who was then pregnant mentioned she had found her doula, to which my answer was ‘…a doula?’ I didn’t know there was a word for what I’ve always deep down wanted to do. This set a spark alight in me, that set me off on a path to developing my work and practice as a doula.

What inspires you?

Cups of tea and walks with friends – old and new – when true connection is felt and conversation flows for hours – igniting ideas, creativity, discussions and learning. And observing the seasonal changes and how nature rebirths itself every cycle, always finding colour after the darkness of winter.

Can you give an example of a time when you particularly enjoyed your work?

I’ve had the pleasure of sharing many enjoyable moments as a doula. I have a fond memory of my last visit with a family after the birth of their second child. The new baby was calmly sleeping in my arms whilst her mum and dad shared and unfolded their memories of her birth, allowing for clarity and processing of that powerful experience in their own time, all whilst their toddler played on the floor next to us.

Birth – such a strong and sacred moment – naturally and simply enveloped in daily life in its full space and power.

What is your favourite thing about being a doula?

It’s hard to name one favourite thing as there is so much about this work that makes my heart sing, so I’ll mention two:

  • The privilege that is connecting with and supporting women and families in such a special chapter in their lives, and also empowering women and families to make their own informed choices for their birth and family.
  • The humbling awe and honour of witnessing new life coming into this world, and the power and strength of the women that birth them.

What do you like about being a part of the Scottish Doula Network?

Being part of a community and sisterhood of open and warm-hearted support, friendship and understanding of the life as a doula and everything it entails. It means not being alone in the birth world and having a shared passion for the life we have as doulas.

About the Scottish Doula Network

The Scottish Doula Network is an informal community of birth and postnatal doulas. We all work closely with parents, and each other, using a wide range of skills and techniques to support all aspects of birthwork.

Every SDN Doula is dedicated to combining compassionate, individual care and holistic practise with evidence-based research and information. We strive to be reliable, nourishing, sensitive, flexible, non-judgemental, empathic, practical and protective of your birthing needs and wishes.

It’s such a pleasure to be part of a wonderful community of inspiring and strong women and fellow doulas 💜 I’m grateful for the network every day!