Honouring You

As a mother(-to-be) or birthing parent, you deserve to be honoured and celebrated, as the creatrix and life giver that you are. You ought to be surrounded in love, care and respect, and your transition to motherhood/parenthood marked and honoured as the life-changing event that it is, even if this is not your first child.

Here are the ceremonies I can facilitate for you, with or without the participation of your circle of support.


A beautiful celebration of you and your bump, by gathering around you your friends and family to pamper, nurture and support you, as you prepare to welcome your baby earthside.


A ceremony to hold you, helping you to recover and restore your energy after the intense journey of giving birth. It's a celebration of your strength and an acknowledgment of your transition into a new phase of life.


A ceremony to honour your breastfeeding journey as it reaches its end, to celebrate you and what you've done for your baby, no matter how long or short that chapter of your life was.